Saturday, August 4, 2007

It's Time for Solutions

Note: This is another ad than ran on August 1st

As we enter the last week before the election we hope that all voters are aware of the serious nature of the superintendent’s election before us. Our county schools operate on an annual budget of around 16 million dollars per year. That’s a lot of tax dollars that have come out of our pockets. That’s a lot of meat and potatos that will never make it onto our families plates. I hope you’ll all be concerned you’re getting your money’s worth.
Condider that ast year Choctaw County’s schools ranked somewhere in the middle of Mississippi’s schools. Mississippi’s schools rank #48 of America’s schools. America’s schools rank pretty low down the ladder of the industrial nations of the world’s schools. Looking at those facts, we have to believe we can do a lot better by our kids.
The first step is to get all of us, the parents and grandparents of our kids to care enough about our schools to cast informed votes in the superintendent’s election. Find out what each candidate says he or she will do as superintendent. If a candidate has no specific ideas to improve our schools, there’s very little chance he will improve them. If a candidate is running on the great job he did as an administrator in our schools, why aren’t our schools in better shape than they are now?
Putting up the most yard signs and handing out the most cards are not part of the superintendent of school’s job description. Being able to identify problems in our schools and fix them is. Saying, “I love our kids, the children are the future, and our kids deserve the best,” is not enough. Every candidate feels this way, but those positive feelings aren’t enough to fix our schools. Every voter owes it to the children of Choctaw County to elect the superintendent who has the courage to identify the problems in our schools and the knowledge to fix them.
Please take the time to find out what the candidates’ ideas are for fixing our schools. You may find out your favorite hasn’t got any idea. You can find out very specifically what Bob Mamrak plans to do at http://bobmamrak.blogspot .com. If you prefer, call him at 285-3633 and he’ll explain his ideas over the phone or send them to you in writing. We’re convinced that if you truly want a superintendent who0 can improve our schools you’ll vote for Bob Mamrak.
Paid for by the committee to elect Bob Mamrak.

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